Did you know we also transfer old film.
For information on Super 8, Regular 8, 9.5mm and 16mm film conversions in full 2K / Full HD go to our film conversion page by following this link.
Film to digital conversions
Video to Digital
Take a moment to view our promotional web video
Whether you want to watch your video on a smart TV, share it online with family and friends or edit – we have a cost effective solution that will work for you.
Editing or Archiving:
If you are going to be editing the material, you will need to determine what file type best suits your editing application. Rule of thumb, AVI for PC’s, MOV (QuickTime) for MAC’s. These file types are very large and maintain their quality. Most commercially available editing applications support either or both file types. Compressed files such as MP4 can be rendered from the edited master files.
Uploading, viewing or sharing:
If it’s for uploading to websites, hosting on YouTube, viewing on a smart TV or sharing via online file sharing platforms, we suggest converting to MP4 files. This file type uses very efficient compression techniques and maintains quality while reducing file size. There is always a tradeoff, as size decreases so does quality. MP4 is probably one of the more common file types and is supported by both Windows and Mac operating systems. VLC Player works well on both platforms and plays most file types.
We use the “direct from source” method where we capture the video in the best possible file format (usually uncompressed MOV) and then render a MP4 file from it.
Are all MP4 files created equal? No, it has become evident some conversion houses use the double compression technique where a DVD is created in MPEG 2 and then re-compressed or RIPPED to make MP4 files. This technique results in a poor-quality recording when compared to a direct from source capture.
There are some limitations and technical issues with MP4 files and certain smart devices, please read our post on MP4 files for more information.
The Capture process:
We use a mix of domestic and industrial playback decks with sophisticated AV processing and calibration equipment to ensure optimum quality. All video signals are calibrated to ensure correct video, chroma and black levels. Audio signals are conditioned with audio signal compression and equalization equipment. We use AVID and Blackmagic video capture devices and editing software to capture, edit and render the various digital file types.

Approximate file sizes:
- 13gb per hour for AVI or QuickTime.
- 2GB per hour for MP4 H264 codec.
- 70 GB per hour for MOV Uncompressed YUV or RGB 8 or 10 bit
We will need an external hard drive or flash drive to copy the files. You are welcome to supply your own. In this case it should have sufficient space and be formatted as NTFS, exFAT or MAC. FAT32 limits file size to 4GB so is not suitable for files larger than 4GB. We would be happy to supply a suitable hard drive for you.
If you are unsure please call us to discuss, we can help you determine what file would be best for your application.
What will it cost?
Our rate for video to digital file is $50.00 per hour of footage. The rate is calculated by summing the minute count from each tape and rounding up to the nearest hour. For example, 2 x 55 minute tapes = 110 minutes, rounded to 2 hours ($100.00)
Free Upload service:
We will upload your files to you via OneDrive (our default) or any other file transfer service of your choice, please note that this is a transfer service not a long term storage solution, please ensure you take appropriate measures to protect your data. We do not charge for upload of files if we are converting your tapes. Please read our Data Backup page for information on how to ensure your valuable data is backed up. We have a limit of liability with respect to data loss.
We can transfer any of the following domestic video formats:
- Betamax (PAL)
- Video 8
- Hi8
- Digital 8
- Mini DV (HDV is considered a pro format)
- Mini DVD – Finalized or not (subject to data recovery fee in the case of un-finalized DVD’s)
- DVD / BD
- NTSC > PAL > NTSC – If required, no additional charge for standards conversion.
We also convert professional video formats such as
- Betacam
- Betacam SP
- Betacam SX
- Digital Betacam
- Umatic and Umatic SP
Go to our professional video page for more information on our pro video to digital file conversion service
DVD to MP4
Unable to view those old DVD’s? We can convert DVD to digital files (MP4 by default).
We offer 2 methods of DVD transfer.
Software conversion – convert the existing VOB files into a MP4 file
Hardware conversion – convert the DVD in real time by recapturing the playback with our software / hardware.
Pricing varies according to the method used. Contact us for more information.
Tape Repair:
Visit our tape and cassette repair page for more information.
Read this post on our tape cleaning process.
Mini DVD: In most cases we can recover files from Mini DVD’s whether they are finalized or not. In the case of un-finalized Mini DVD’s there is a data recovery fee applicable, we will assess your discs and advise accordingly.
Use this table to determine tape types and maximum run times
Unsure what tape you have, visit our Format ID page
Do you have smartphone video clips that you want converted? Click here to go to our smartphone video page.
Do you have old cameras or video equipment? Talk to us about trading your old equipment for credits on your video transfer. Any equipment, any state, any age will be considered.
Feel free to contact us if you need any additional information.
All prices in NZ$

We would add to this quote, I wish I had employed the services of an expert in this field to ensure my family history is preserved in the best possible way.